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School and Holiday Clubs

Before & After School Clubs

We offer Before and After School clubs for any child attending Pomphlett school, irrespective of whether they have been to Kenleys before. We walk the children to school in the morning, and collect them from school, walking them back to Kenleys with at least 2 members of staff.

Our before school club starts at 8am and includes breakfast - priced at £5
Our after school club finishes at 6pm and includes a light tea - priced at £7

Holiday Clubs

We run holiday clubs for all children aged from the beginning of reception to the end of Year 6.

Our holiday clubs include scheduled activities, swimming, Spanish lessons, trips out, crafts, computers, den building, cooking and games. The holiday club price list do not include food, and children who attend are expected to bring their own packed lunch and enough for a light tea at 4pm.

Our holiday club sessions and prices are:
Short Day 9am-3pm = £15
Full Day 8am-6pm = £23
8am-3pm = £18
9am-6pm = £20